Thank you for your interest in submitting your script. Scripteasers accepts submissions year-round from San Diego-area writers. Please read the following guidelines for submission carefully.


We accept stage plays and screenplays for consideration, and most tend to be approximately ten to twenty minutes.  We also read shorter and longer scripts, including full length plays, scenes, plays in progress and excerpts from longer plays.
All genres are welcome, and it’s important that your script be well formatted for ease of reading.
We don’t read musicals or children’s plays, and we may decline a script which is gratuitously gory or vulgar.
Your script must be original, free of copyright restrictions and un-produced. Scripts that have had previous readings are considered, but scripts that have been produced or published cannot be accepted.
Authors are required to participate in their readings and advised to attend at least one other script reading before their own reading.


Submit your script by emailing a PDF or WORD document to  Your script must be:
  1. Written in standard dramatic format.*
  2. Contain the following information:
    1. Type: 10-minute, one-act, full-length, scene, excerpt, etc.
    2. Length: Number of pages and approximate run time.
    3. Cast: Number of roles broken down by gender, including whether they can be played by any gender.
    4. Include as a separate document:
      1. A Synopsis — 50-75 words.
      2. A short Author’s Biography.
All scripts submitted are reviewed and considered for a public reading, but we are not obligated to schedule a reading for every script. Please allow about four weeks for review.
If your script is selected, we will contact you to discuss a mutually agreeable date for your reading.
The Moderator assigned to your reading will contact you about a week in advance. Among the items the Moderator will discuss with you are:
  1. Casting: the number of roles and actors required; possible doubling of parts; general age ranges; genders; ethnicities; accents, etc.  If needed, we can help you cast your play. Scripteasers membership includes many incredible actors who can be asked to read for you if available, and we also have a list of non-member actors who  may be available. You can also cast your play yourself. Please be sure your cast is available to read on the night in question.
  2. The standard questions included in the Moderated discussion (listed below). You may also request that the Moderator add specific questions and/or not ask one or more of the standard questions.
  3. If required, the Moderator may suggest where the evening’s break be scheduled. If more than one script is being read that evening, the Moderator will decide the order in which they will be read. 
Please arrive 30 minutes prior to the 7:30pm start time and advise your actors to do so also.
You are encouraged to invite friends to attend the reading.
During the discussion the Moderator will solicit feedback from the audience members and actors, based on our standard format questions. We ask that the author refrain from commenting until the conclusion, at which time, the Moderator will offer you the opportunity to make brief remarks and address the audience’s questions.
  1. Off the top of your head, give us 1, 2 or 3 words or a phrase describing your immediate reaction to the script.
  2. Are the characters clearly defined and developed? Is there effective contrast? Who was your favorite character? Why?
  3. Is the dialogue and use of language effective? Is it realistic or believable? Does the author use trite words or phrases?
  4.  Does the conflict in this script grow logically out of the characters and the dialogue? Is it believable? Has the author fully explored this conflict?
  5. Considering all these elements – character, dialogue, conflict – what do you think is the author’s theme or premise? Is it effectively developed? Why has the author brought us here tonight? What do do they want us to think about?
  6. What about dramatic effect? Is the resolution believable? Is it satisfying? Does the script hold your interest?
  7. Do you see any production or staging problems? 
  8. Is the script marketable as is?
When are scripts usually scheduled for readings?
Script readings via Zoom are currently scheduled on the second and fourth Fridays of the month and begin at 7:30pm. From time to time we will schedule in-person readings, TBA.
When will my script be read if it is selected?
Your script reading will be scheduled at a mutually convenient date where there is room in the schedule. You will be required to be in attendance at your reading. We also suggest that you attend a Scripteasers reading and moderated discussion prior to yours, so that you are familiar with the format.
Do I have to come up with readers?
You may cast your own play, or we will work with you on casting from our member group or from our actor group of contacts. 

*A sample of standard dramatic formatting can be found here: