Donating to The Scripteasers.
Please select “Sending to a friend.”

Please select “Sending to a friend” on your donation payment.
Our Paypal account is
You can also donate to The Scripteasers using PayPal at:

We also accept Venmo payments to @scripteasers.
If @scripteasers doesn’t appear in Venmo, make sure your search includes business accounts.

We accept checks by mail and can also process credit cards over the phone or in person. Please contact for our mailing address.

Thank you!

About PayPal
If your PayPal account is connected to your bank account, PayPal will not charge you for making the contribution. If you have NOT connected your bank account to your PayPal account, PayPal will charge you a fee for making the payment. If you select “Sending to a friend,” Scripteasers will receive the full amount of your donation. If you select “Paying for a service,” Paypal will take a transaction fee from the payment.

About Venmo
If “@scripteasers” does not appear in a Venmo search, make sure you are also searching for business accounts. If Venmo is connected to your bank account, it will NOT charge you a transaction fee. Otherwise a transaction fee will be applied to any credit card payments made through Venmo. 

About Us
We are NOT a tax-exempt organization, so you cannot deduct contributions from your taxes.
What do we do with your donation? The only major outlay The Scripteasers has is conducting playwriting competitions (primarily awarding prizes). Other expenses include memberships to umbrella arts organizations, reproduction, and website registration.

We’re an all-volunteer organizations. Now you know why there are typos!


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Depending on Method of Payment:
CC/Paypal/Venmo will send a receipt to you.

Founded in 1948, THE SCRIPTEASERS, a San Diego-based playwrights development group, is the longest continually operating organization in the nation dedicated to helping writers refine their craft. Writers, actors and theater lovers are welcome.